How Register Your Online Business, Steps and Idea from Experience:

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Starting a business needs courage in itself, where you see the risks in your mind and your heart goes where you want to see. It is a conflict between unseen things or situations. After considering what you are going to do and where the goal will be, you are ready to start. You know where to start, you have a road map, and you know the destination while being aware of the hardships you will face. But still, you want to continue. Congratulations! You have an instinct of entrepreneurship.

I am here to provide you with some information that will guide you through your journey.

1. Select Types of Business:

Determine what kind of business you want to start.

To determine the kind of business you want to start, consider the following:

  1. Personal interests and passion.
  2. Market demand and trends.
  3. Your skills and expertise.
  4. Target audience and customer segment.
  5. Competitive landscape.
  6. Financial feasibility.
  7. Scalability and long-term vision.
  8. Legal and regulatory requirements.
  9. Risk assessment.
  10. Personal commitment.

Take time to evaluate these factors and choose a business idea that aligns with your strengths, market opportunities, and personal goals.

2. Finance:

One of the most important things that I personally recommend considering before registering your business is finance. How much money do you want to start with? How much will it cost, and how much do you expect to earn? It may sound crazy, but it is important to have a clue about what you are going to do.

3. Select Business Structure:

Select a business structure. Choose a structure that will bring benefits to the company, such as LLC or corporation. If you choose a structure that will be run by more than one person, you need to discuss financial aspects, types of business, and other legal considerations.

4. Name of Yor Business:

Choose a name for your company. Select a name that can represent your company and your long-term vision.

When choosing a name for your company, consider the following:

  1. Reflect your brand and long-term vision.
  2. Make it memorable and unique.
  3. Ensure clarity and relevance.
  4. Think about future growth.
  5. Check domain availability.
  6. Consider legal implications.
  7. Seek feedback before finalizing.

Take these factors into account to select a name that effectively represents your business and resonates with your target audience.

5. Register Your Business:

Hiring a professional agent for the legal process of registering a business can be a valuable investment. They can guide you through the complex procedures and ensure compliance with regulations. The cost of hiring an agent is typically reasonable, and it can save you time and reduce stress.

Platforms like Zen Business offer streamlined services that simplify the registration process. They provide step-by-step assistance and handle the necessary paperwork, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. With their support, the registration process can be completed within a couple of weeks.

It’s important to note that the specific timeline and requirements may vary depending on your location and the nature of your business. It’s always a good idea to research and choose a reputable service provider that suits your needs.

Here I am sharing the link that you can hire ab agent and register your business,;=&afftrack;=

6. Apply for EIN

Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This is necessary for tax purposes, hiring employees, and opening a business bank account.

According to federal law, there is no fee to apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). The IRS provides a simple and free online application process for obtaining an EIN directly from their website. This allows business owners to apply for an EIN without incurring any charges. It’s important to note that while Zen Business may include assistance with the EIN application in their package, business owners can also apply for an EIN independently through the official IRS website at no cost.

When you choose zen business platform to register your business in their package EIN encluded.

7. Open Bank Account for your Business:

It is important to open a dedicated bank account specifically for your business. This step helps to separate your personal and business finances, ensuring accurate record-keeping and simplifying tax filings. However, before opening a business bank account, you will typically need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The EIN serves as a unique identifier for your business entity and is required for various financial and tax-related purposes. Once you have obtained the EIN, you can proceed with opening a business bank account, providing the necessary documentation and fulfilling any additional requirements set by the bank. By keeping your business finances separate from your personal finances, you can better track your business expenses, streamline financial management, and maintain appropriate financial records for your business.

8.Register for Trademarks or Intellectual Property Protection:

If you want to protect your business name, logo, or other intellectual property, you may consider registering trademarks or pursuing other forms of intellectual property protection.

If you want to protect your company name, logo, or other intellectual property within a specific state, it is advisable to register it with the Secretary of State’s office. This can provide you with state-level protection and legal rights over your intellectual property.

However, if you wish to protect your intellectual property nationwide, including in all states, it is recommended to register it with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Registering your trademark with the USPTO provides broader protection and exclusive rights to your intellectual property throughout the entire country.

By registering your trademark with the USPTO, you gain the ability to enforce your rights against any infringing parties nationwide and prevent others from using similar marks that may cause confusion with your brand.

It is important to note that the process and requirements for registering trademarks can vary between state-level and federal registrations. Consulting with an intellectual property attorney or using online trademark registration services can help ensure a smooth and accurate application process.

What to Do If the Register Agent Charge You for Ein:

If the package you purchased from a service provider, such as Zen Business, did not clearly mention the fee for obtaining an EIN, you have the right to dispute the charge. This situation happened to me personally, and I took the initiative to contact them to address the issue.

I reached out to Zen Business, explaining that I was not aware of the fee for the agent handling the EIN application when I bought the package. I highlighted that the fee was not disclosed during the checkout process or in the package details, and I expressed my disappointment that I was charged without my consent.

To my satisfaction, Zen Business promptly responded to my email and acknowledged the oversight. and refunded me the $140 agent fee for the EIN. I appreciated their responsiveness and willingness to rectify the situation.

Based on my personal experience, I recommend contacting the company directly if you find yourself in a similar situation. Clearly express your concerns about the undisclosed fee and request a refund. It’s important to have open communication and seek a resolution that is fair and satisfactory to both parties.

Remember to keep records of your communication with the company, including email correspondence or any other relevant documentation, as evidence in case further action is needed.

By sharing my personal experience, I hope it helps others who might encounter a similar issue and encourages them to address it promptly with the service provider.


Starting a business requires courage, as it involves navigating risks and uncertainties. However, with careful consideration and planning, you can embark on this entrepreneurial journey. By following the steps outlined above, you can set a solid foundation for your business.

First, determine the type of business you want to start, considering factors such as your interests, market demand, and skills. Next, choose a name that reflects your long-term vision and resonates with your target audience. Registering your business with the appropriate authorities and protecting your intellectual property are essential steps to establish legal and branding rights.

Finance plays a crucial role, so consider the financial aspects of your business, including start-up costs, revenue projections, and funding sources. Selecting a suitable business structure, such as an LLC or corporation, can provide legal and tax advantages.

Utilizing platforms like Zen Business can streamline the registration process and provide valuable support. Be aware of any potential hidden fees and assert your rights if you encounter unexpected charges.

Finally, open a separate bank account for your business to keep personal and business finances separate. This helps with accurate record-keeping and simplifies tax filings.

Remember, every entrepreneur’s journey is unique, and adapting to changing economic and social dynamics is crucial. Stay flexible, stay informed, and be willing to adjust your plans as needed. With dedication and perseverance, you can navigate the challenges and realize your entrepreneurial dreams.

Best of luck on your business venture!

Gaheez Safi

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